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The Ministry of Interior Child Protection Center organizes a training workshop for new teachers

13 Aug 2024

The Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Centre organized a training workshop for new teachers as part of the introductory meeting organized by the Ministry of Education for new faculty members in preparation for the start of the new academic year at the Emirates Schools Establishment headquarters in Abu Dhabi. The workshop was aimed at providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure a safe and healthy educational environment, in accordance with the best standards and requirements followed.

 The workshop included introducing the Child Rights Law and Dima, reviewing the tasks and responsibilities of the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center, the mechanism for reporting any abuse that children may be exposed to, the role and duties of the teacher, and ways to address abuse, cyberbullying, exploitation or online luring, in addition to introducing children’s right to play while maintaining their safety and security, and dealing correctly with their behavior while playing. It also aimed to introduce teachers to how to deal with any abuse that children may be exposed to in cyberspace, and to introduce them to the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center’s reporting system, the hotline at 116111, the Hemayati application, and electronic reporting via the Ministry of Interior’s website for child protection.